Kutsikad! · Puppies!

Kutsikad! · Puppies!

14.09.2014 sündis Newfound Treasure kennelis 5. väga oodatud kaunis pesakond!

– tosin newfoundlandi koera kutsikat
– 4 poissi ja 8 tüdrukut
– Isa Clipper (Light of New Dawn Carribean Clipper) ja ema Bella (Newfound Treasure  Brighty Bonnibel).

Ootame häid peresid, kes sooviksid endale suurt südamlikku karvast koera nii koju sõbraks kui ka näitusteks ja/või treeninguteks.

Rohkem infot:

email: tiiu.kaarma@gmail.com

Phone: +372 672 52 59
Mob: +372 56 203 717

Skype: tiiukaarma
Kiisa, Saku vald, Harjumaa

On the 14.09.2014 were born kennel Newfound Treasures’ 5.  beautiful litter!

– dozen newfoundland dogs’ puppies
– 4 boys and 8 girls
– father Clipper (Light of New Dawn Caribbean Clipper) and mother Bella (Newfound Treasure  Brighty Bonnibel)

We are looking for good families who would love to have a big loving dog as a friend at home and for shows and trainings.

More info:

email: tiiu.kaarma@gmail.com

Phone: +372 672 52 59
Mob: +372 56 203 717

Skype: tiiukaarma
Kiisa, Saku vald, Harjumaa
